○ Owners' Handbook •

No, this isnt a bunch of rules. We're cooler than that ;D
Its just a guide, so we wont get all confused with which owner did what, and wtf is that in the inbox, and to keep the club consistant. Think of it as a can of confusion-deterrent!


○ Uploading Art ○

Please include the artist's username in the title. Shorten it to fit if you have to. but if there is enough room, write it out fully :3
(e.g. "Sorbet as Hiria - Vampdude456")
Its usually best to add the devation to the same category as the original. (As long as they are correct, that is XD)
In the description, please include:
 • The original artist
 • A link to the original deviation
 • Any extra information (e.g. "this was an entry for our _____ contest")
Comments and downloads should be DISABLED
It's advised that the deviant go to the original deviation to comment or download. Or :+fav: for that matter, but we cant disable that ^o^;;

 ○ The Message Center ○

→ Making comments
Its pretty rare to have to make a comment using tCC's account, but when you do, try to start the comment with something like "<username> here" or "hey its <username> and..." so no one gets muddled up :3
Replying to comments
You should reply to comments on the Cookie Club's comments using your own account. Im sorry guys. I know its a huge pain the in butt having to switch between two accounts (a secondary browser is recommended. For example, I use FireFox for my =ameides account, and Google Chrome for ~theCookieClub's)
The reason for this is that it gets super confusing seeing the replies from other owners' conversations mixed in with your own. Its easy to accidentally delete someone else's reply, or to have your own deleted. Plus, Im guessing you'll sign into your own deviantART account a lot more often than tCC's. This means you can keep your conversation with someone at a good pace, and that poor member isnt left hanging on a thread due to poor message management :3
However an exception to this is when someone thanks the club for a :+fav: or anything similar. People can reply "np"/"your welcome"/"anytime" etc without having to switch to your own account. (But if it turns into some huge random convsation. its recommended that you do, for obvious reasons XD)

You may remember that we were trying to run a "Message Center Service" to deal with favorites.
As a club, we always try to get people to :+fav: the original, but thats pretty hard to do. Rule of thumb: Ignore the :+fav: unless the original artist is subscribed to the Message Center Service.
There will be more on the MCS later, because that's going to be edited and improved as well :3 We may even get rid of it, its a huge pain in the butt to handle -o-;
Pretty much the same deal as the comments section above. As you may have noticed with any notes Ive sent you, I type at the top "Ammi-chan says:"
Always take a look at the read/unreplied notes! Its possible that someone has opened a note for you by accident. As far as I know, theres no way to mark them as "unread" again

○ Journals ○

Members' lists
When you make a new journal entry, try to remember to copy and paste the "founders"/"owners"/"members"/etc section at the bottom! And while you're at it, you may as well update it, if it needs it ;p
Remember that those lists are in alphabetical order to make members easier to find (in theory)

○ Adding Art to Favorites ○

If you have some spare time on your hands, or just bored, you can always browse dA and add cookie-related things to our favorites. Its pretty good for publicity ;D

Thats about it for now!

As always, suggestions etc are appreciated! :3